My Kind of Malware Analysis Lab Set-up
In this write-up I'll go over with my Malware Analysis Lab set-up to kind of run through the basics of safety Malware handling when analysing real world Malware. The aim of this write-up is to document my journey in Malware Analysis to practice safety Malware handling ALWAYS! In the above diagram, you'll find my current Malware Analysis Lab environment wherein we will use it to detonate and dissect Malwares for analysis. We will use FlareVM a Windows based Malware Analysis Distribution and REMnux OS to isolate our Host machine and run these OS thru virtual machine. The virtual environment is isolated and not in anyway connected to our host machine and wild Internet. This is purposely done to get rid of the risk associated with the tasks while we examine and detonate Malwares which is very HARMFUL and RISKY by its nature. So our goal is to practice SAFETY ALWAYS when handling Malware! Goal: Malware analysis provides a very accurate and comprehensive list of IoCs compared to othe...