Regular expressions - Notes
Regular expressions - Notes Introduction What are regular expressions? Regular expressions (or Regex) are patterns of text that you define to search documents and match exactly what you're looking for. Why should I learn how to use them? Even if you won't need them sooner or later, it's a great tool to know how to use. It will make you more capable in CTF's, and potentially a better developer if that's a goal you have. You spend a little time learning it and save yourself lots of time in the long run by using it. I know all that, but I'm lazy. This is a lazy person's tutorial. There's a little reading, and then you learn by doing . Where's the 'Deploy' button? There's no machine to deploy. There are two ways to test your expressions. Either: create a text file with some test paragraphs (in a Unix machine) and then use egrep <pattern> <file> to see what matches and what doesn't, or use an online editor like https://r...