
My Short Analysis - Redline Infostealer

  In this write up, Let's tear up a specific sample of Infostealer malware and deep dive into some of its functions. This is just short analysis of Redline Infostealer malware and it is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. The reason for picking up this sample is because of its significant and rampant in the cybercrime ecosystem. One of the most common and prolific malware stealers out there in the wild. Distributed in the cybercrime marketplace and the dark web. So, without further ado let's take a look on this malware and unravel some of its functions. Executive Summary: RedLine Stealer is a malicious program that harvest users’ confidential data from browsers, systems, installed software, credit card information and domain information of enterprise environment. It also infects operating systems with other malware. Distributed in underground forums for sale as standalone ($100/$150 depending on the version) or on a subscription basis ($100/month). This ma...

GOAD Active Directory LAB Setup on a Windows host

 In this write-up, I am going to explain how I set up the GOAD Active directory lab from my Windows host using VMware, along with a number of errors and steps and procedure I went through how I fixed them. GOAD (Game of Active Directory) lab is created by Orange Cyberdefense to provide pentesters a ready-to-use, vulnerable AD environment in which to practise common attack methods. As described in the Github page, “the lab is intended to be installed from a Linux host”, but it is still possible to successfully install the lab from a Windows host. I did not want to install the lab inside a virtual Ubuntu machine, as nested virtualisation would slow down performance too much. On high level, my setup will look like: Windows host: with Vagrant installed to run the VMs on VMware. VMware Pro: with Ubuntu 22.04 VM installed to run ansible playbooks to make the AD vulnerable. In this environment, there are two different available labs: GOAD : 5 vms, 2 forests, 3 domains (full goad lab) GOAD...

Regular expressions - Notes

  Regular expressions - Notes Introduction What are regular expressions? Regular expressions (or Regex) are patterns of text that you define to search documents and match exactly what you're looking for. Why should I learn how to use them? Even if you won't need them sooner or later, it's a great tool to know how to use. It will make you more capable in CTF's, and potentially a better developer if that's a goal you have. You spend a little time learning it and save yourself lots of time in the long run by using it. I know all that, but I'm lazy. This is a lazy person's tutorial. There's a little reading, and then you  learn by doing . Where's the 'Deploy' button? There's no machine to deploy.  There are two ways to test your expressions. Either: create a text file with some test paragraphs (in a Unix machine) and then use  egrep <pattern> <file>  to see what matches and what doesn't, or use an online editor like  https://r...