GOAD Active Directory LAB Setup on a Windows host
In this write-up, I am going to explain how I set up the GOAD Active directory lab from my Windows host using VMware, along with a number of errors and steps and procedure I went through how I fixed them. GOAD (Game of Active Directory) lab is created by Orange Cyberdefense to provide pentesters a ready-to-use, vulnerable AD environment in which to practise common attack methods. As described in the Github page, “the lab is intended to be installed from a Linux host”, but it is still possible to successfully install the lab from a Windows host. I did not want to install the lab inside a virtual Ubuntu machine, as nested virtualisation would slow down performance too much. On high level, my setup will look like: Windows host: with Vagrant installed to run the VMs on VMware. VMware Pro: with Ubuntu 22.04 VM installed to run ansible playbooks to make the AD vulnerable. In this environment, there are two different available labs: GOAD : 5 vms, 2 forests, 3 domains (full goad lab) GOAD...