OhSINT — TryHackMe Walkthrough
OhSINT — TryHackMe Walkthrough First of, we need to download the picture given in the above option. After that download exiftool, in my case I've downloaded the Windows executable version Exiftool: is a free and open-source program for reading, writing, and manipulating images, audio, video, and PDF metadata. To run the tool, simply drag and drop the image file you wish to examine in Windows. Note I'm using the portable exiftool version. The tool spits out a bunch of information about the image we downloaded like filetype, filename, GPS Position, copyright, etc. Here, we get to know about the copyright which is in the name of OWoodflint. Let’s now search it on google and see whether we can find anything. google search result of OWoodflint accounts: Twitter, blog, GitHub profile Here, we go through each site and check whether we can find something useful. Twitter: 1. What is this users avatar of? cat 2. What city is this person in? London From the Twitter page, we find the BSS...